Garantía de Alquiler para Propietarios

Alquila. Confia. Cotiza y preaprueba tu garantía

Why should you trust us?

Because tens of thousands of owners have done it before, and they only deal with collecting their money. Everything is fast and simple. No fine print and no delays.

We are available and at the service of our customers’ peace of mind.

Happy owners!

Why should you
trust us?

adelanto de impago de alquiler para viviendas



If the tenants do not fulfill their obligations, Garantía Ya pays the total amount on the spot.

No delays. No limits. No deductibles.


Garantía Ya protects the owner by selecting the best tenants.


In the event of any inconvenience, Garantía Ya bears all costs and advises you until the property is returned.

seguro de alquiler para inquilinos con garantia ya

How does our
rental guarantee work?

emoticono ordenador

The owner applies for the guarantee 100% online and through our website.

emoticono raton ordenador

With a simple click, the owner immediately obtains the cost of the guarantee and the pre-approval of the tenant.

emoticono buscador

The final approval is subject to the presentation of background information that verifies the data entered in the form.

emoticono direccion

The tenant selects the property.

emoticono reloj

They immediately pre-approve their guarantee online.

emoticono comentarios

Garantía Ya carries out all management details with the owner.

emoticono ordenador morado

The real estate agency can solve everything on our website.

emoticono documento morado

They enter the details of the property, owner and tenants.

emoticono reloj morado

They immediately get pre-approval of the guarantee.